Pool Safety

Basic Pool/Spa Safety
Safety is the watchword in all water-based environments, and your spa is no different. By learning and adhering to a few simple tips, you’ll ensure an enjoyable spa experience for your friends and family.
• Maintain constant adult supervision when children are in or near ANY body of water.
• Install fences, barriers and spa covers to prevent unsupervised access, especially by young children.
• Inspect your pool/spa equipment on a regular basis to ensure that it is in good working order and that it is safe.
• Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, high or low blood pressure, and pregnant women, should not use a pool/spa without advance approval by their physician. If a person has any doubt as to whether a medical condition should limit their use of a pool/spa, they should seek prior consultation with their physician. Individuals with open cuts or wounds should not use a pool/spa until completely healed
• Never use a pool/spa when you are alone and never use a pool/spa while using or after using alcohol or drugs that may cause sleepiness, drowsiness, or raise or lower blood pressure.
• Ask your city about any specific rules and regulations that apply to pool/spa ownership, including local electrical codes.
• Do not allow unsafe or risky behavior in and around the pool/spa.
• Consult with a licensed electrician for installation of or any work to your pool/spa. If you are installing your own pool/spa, it is your responsibility that all work performed complies with the National Electrical Code and all other applicable codes and regulations.
• Your pool/spa’s jets, grates, skimmer and main drain should be properly maintained and secured. Pool/Spa users should be instructed not to stick any part of their body into such outlets as entrapment and drowning can occur. Spa users with long hair should also be cautioned not to get their hair near such outlets.
• Keep a first aid kit in close proximity to your spa.
• Maintenance and safety manuals contain detailed tips and recommendations and should be read, followed and applied on a regular basis.
• We encourage all pool/spa owners to request safety related publications from the Association of Pool and Spa Professionals (APSP), including: “The Sensible Way To Enjoy Your Spa or Hot Tub,” and “Pool and Spa Emergency Procedures for Infants and Children.”